As the Calm Air
flight rose through the clouds towards Flin Flon last week, four young anglers from the inner city of Winnipeg, stared wide eyed out the windows of the plane. They were to be guests of Curt Enns at Kississing Lake Lodge for three whole days of fishing at a world class fly-in resort. Enns has been contributing a fund raising trip to his lodge every year since the inception of the Fish Winnipeg program fourteen years ago but this year was special. Through a generous contribution from a private donor, Curt called me this winter to ask if he could sponsor four anglers from our program to his lodge. With the support of Calm Air, Fish Futures and the City of Winnipeg we were able to make it happen. Over the course of the summer instructors of the program were looking for participants who showed a passion for the sport of fishing. As it turned out three boys and a girl were asked to participate on the trip of a lifetime. Two of the young anglers had never been on a plane, never mind boarding a float plane from Flin Flon to complete the last leg of the journey.
During the duration of th
e trip, Dwayne, Liam, Celine and Joel experienced all sorts of adventures including catching feisty pike and walleye that abound in the waters of this northern lake. In the evening they joined together in the lodges game room to share the experiences of the day and try their hand on the lodges pool table. Every day the guides would pull up just after noon to cook the traditional shore lunch. In between all of this Celine caught her first fish, a feisty twelve pound pike that ran her around the boat. Along as chaperones were Marty Miller, who administers the fishing programs with the City of Winnipeg and Katherine Ward from Manitoba Water Stewardship. As co chair of Fish Winnipeg I was the guest instructor for the trip. On the first two days a southwest wind made travel a bit difficult but the last morning before the crew were scheduled to leave, the wind settled down and the pike went on a feeding rampage. Dwayne was in my boat on this particular day. I had given him a pink Mepps Syclops to try and on the first cast he smacked a pike, followed by six more fish in a row. It was a great way to end what was a memorable trip. At the end of it all the young anglers went home with a rod and reel, a new tackle box full of tackle and memories that will last a life time, all made possible by people that care. For more information on the great fishing at Kississing Lake Lodge visit their website at

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