In southern Manitoba anglers are enjoying some good stocked trout action. Patterson and Tokyrk Lake are know for their Master Angler sized brown trout. Reynolds Ponds close to Winnipeg has some big browns as well.

According to the The Kenora Daily Miner & News, a report released recently, Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says the Lake of the Woods walleye population is in danger. The MNRF conducted province-wide risk assessments between 2015-2017 on 40 lakes in Ontario. Of those lakes, only Lake of the Woods fell into the high risk category. The report indicates recreational fishing alone is above the sustainable level for the lake. The MNRF states that doesn’t even take into account the commercial or subsistence fishing that exists.
Economically, the recreational fishery it worth close to $112 million to the local economy. In order to develop a management plan, a Lake of the Woods advisory council was put together in 2019. They are currently working together with government on regulatory measure to protect the walleye fishery. The group hopes to be able to finalize those changes by January 1, 2022.
It’s safe to say this is the earliest spring in quite some time. Almost all the lakes are ice free as I write this at the end of April. Just a few of the lakes along the north end of the highway 105 corridor still show ice.
The early ice out has allowed anglers the chance to get out on open water for crappie, pike and bass while the walleye season is closed. Personally I was out on a local lake last weekend for pike. The water temps were around the 42 degree mark. The signs were that the big female pike had already spawned out and were out of the spawning areas. We saw evidence of the smaller male pike still up shallow.

Bass have been out on mid lake structure in deeper water. I would expect them to slowly work shallow as the water warms up in the next two or three weeks.
Friend, and manager of Temple Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake, Jeff Moreau is reporting the smaller trout lakes are heating up with action. The water temps have been between 43-47 degrees and the trout have been moving up shallow. This is a great time of year to target lake trout, as they stay shallow until the surface temps start to climb.

A quick note on Temple Bay Lodge, they are open year round with accommodations, onsite restaurant, Jigger’s Pub, gas and minnows, as well as pro guide service. As inter provincial restrictions lift it is a great place for our Manitoba friends to come spend a weekend or a week. Jeff and his staff can take care of everything so you can enjoy the fishing on world famous Eagle Lake. Even if you don’t stay at Temple Bay Lodge you are always welcome to stop in for a meal or cocktail. Whether you stop by boat or vehicle the friendly staff will help you out. Check out their website.
I have known Jeff, and his wife Marianne for most of my life and can tell you that they will go out of their way to keep guests happy. If you are looking for a staycation this summer give Temple Bay Lodge a look.
Anyone looking for a chance at catching a musky this season, I will have a few guide days available. I can provide all the gear for the day. Email me for more info here.
As we are in our off season, prior to walleye season opening in a few weeks, now is a good time to prep your boat. I wanted to add a couple quick tips that we do. As you change the oil in the lower unit of your outboard motor, pull the prop off and check for fishing line wrapped around the shaft. Do the same with your electric trolling motor, check for line behind the prop.
Most boaters have a spare prop with them, do you have the proper wrench to change it out? The plastic floating prop wrenches are cheap and easy to store on the boat. I suggest going to your dealer and buying a spare prop shaft nut, washer and/or thrust washer and cotterpin. If you have to change a prop while on the water losing a prop shaft nut will end your day.
Having the proper spares can save the day. Consider it cheap insurance. If you are planning a week-long fishing trip away from home I would pick up a spare fuel filter for your boat as well. You never know what the fuel will be like at lodges and again this can be cheap insurance.
Plan ahead and it should help avoid most issues. Good luck out there anglers, and we hope to see everyone in Sunset Country this summer.
Spring is most definitely here in full swing in northwestern Ontario. Lakes are open, rivers are flowing and anglers are chomping at the bit to go fishing!


It is rumoured that the last weekend of April is the most popular weekend for boaters to get their boat and fishing gear ready for the new fair-weather boating/fishing season. Although I took my boat into the Tracker Marine team during the first week of April, I have noticed more boats parked on driveways or heading to and from local marine shops and storage facilities. However, as we go through our boat and equipment preparation, one thing that often gets overlooked by more experienced boaters than you would ever expect is having a spare prop and the tooling to change it on the water.
Damaging or losing a prop on the water has only happened to me once, knock on wood, but had I not had a spare prop and the tools to change it out, I may have had to spend the night on the lake. I was slow trolling with the big motor on a northern Saskatchewan lake when out of nowhere the water depth went from 12 feet of water to less than two feet of water.
Before I could react my prop struck the rock beneath the boat and took out the inner rubber hub-sleeve like it’s designed to do. However, so many boat owners, leave the boat launch without the parts and tools to make these simple repairs on the shoreline and it can end up ruining their day on the water. Now is the perfect time to purchase a secondary prop, inner bushing, and the tools to replace the prop and bushing.
Prop Masters in Airdrie, Alberta, has everything you need to eliminate a lost day or weekend of fishing and a lot of paddling and cursing.

Hooked Contributor Dave Shmyr continues to pursue the largemouth bass that exist near his new residence in Sooke, British Columbia. Sooke is located on the south end of Vancouver Island near Victoria. The largemouth are getting ready to spawn and the bite is on!