Author: Lowell Strauss


LOWELL STRAUSS is an international award-winning writer and photographer, and avid outdoorsman. As a bird hunter, he started puddle-jumping ducks in rural Saskatchewan, and he's been chasing waterfowl, cranes, and other game birds ever since. Armed with a degree in Biology, a master's in Geography and work experience in wildlife and habitat conservation, Lowell has a keen interest in writing about the natural world. He works from his home near Last Mountain Lake, SK. Lowell enjoys mentoring new hunters and teaches Saskatchewan Hunter Safety and Canadian Firearms Safety courses. He is also a Scout leader and enjoys helping kids experience camping, canoeing and other outdoor adventures. Lowell has been professionally writing about conservation, nature, hunting and fishing for over ten years. He can be reached through social media @straussoutdoors or his website,

BOUNTY IN THE BOREAL An Alberta Adventure with “From the Wild” I packed my bag in eager anticipation of the culinary adventure prepared for our group. It was late September, and northern Alberta weather can be unpredictable at this time of year. But, on this day, the spirits of the forest smiled upon us. Unseasonably warm temperatures proved the forecast right. Still, a cool freshness in the forest reminded me winter was not far away. It was an omen! I savoured the day, learning about nature’s bounty and feasting on wild ingredients expertly prepared by masters in their craft; a…

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CRAZY FOR CRANES Sandhill Cranes offer a challenging hunt and delicious rewards. Nicknamed “ribeye in the sky,” the sandhill crane is juicy, tender and delicious. Once dismissed as tough and unpalatable, thanks to modern wild game cookery, this source of flavourful wild protein is now a waterfowl hunter’s favourite. And each fall, hunters flock to the Saskatchewan in search of this wary wader.  In early August, sandhill cranes begin their southward migration, stopping enroute in southern Saskatchewan to rest and feed, fueling the next long leg of their journey. Hearing their call marks one of my favourite times of the…

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