Author: Don Lamont


Don Lamont - The Complete Angler Don Lamont has been a full time professional angler for 41 years, hosting and producing the award winning “The Complete Angler” television series for fifteen of those. Don has received several awards for his commitment to public education and the future of recreational fishing in Canada. Don had a regular fishing column in the Winnipeg Free Press for 30 years and is currently editor of Hooked Magazine. He also recently took on the role of Executive Director of the Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters, if he wasn't busy enough already! He recently published a book that highlights many of his adventures over a lifetime of fishing. It can be purchased online at

MANITOBA Another hardwater season is knocking on the door. In fact, in some places of this great province, it has arrived. Up in the Duck Mountains anglers have been venturing out on the stocked trout waters. While caution is advised, most of the first ice anglers are wiley old veterans that know to be smart. Never go alone, wear flotation gear, bring ice picks, and as one famous person said walk slowly and carry a big stick. It really is not a time to consider anything other than walking out. That is why stocked trout fishing is so special at…

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IT IS THE SEASON Tick tock from the woodstove as the camp tent goes darker than dark. The quiet cut by laughter at that crusty old bush pilot who called us princesses for our foamy sleep pads. Within moments of the lantern being snuffed, the wilderness is a cacophony of healthy and unhealthy snores amongst dreams of bull moose in the crosshairs. They are out there. IN THE WILDERNESS Wolves yip at dawn that first morning as we putt-putt across the lake to the choice spots. It is close to the highwater mark on the Shield rock, with lots of…

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MANITOBA I spent two days over the last week on the Red River. Last Wednesday proved to be a very productive day on the water with close to sixty walleye landed plus non stop sauger action. Friend Jim Price and I didn’t land any monsters but the action was still great. Two days ago I headed back out with a couple of biologists, Doug Watkinson and Derek Kroeker. It was an interesting day spent talking about fisheries management in the province. Doug works for Fisheries and Oceans. He has done a ton of tracking work on the many fish species…

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AN ANGLERS BEST FRIEND Like a briefcase, it means business. Everything depends on the tackle box. With it, there is nothing that lives in the water that cannot be captured, no conditions that will surprise or endanger, no circumstance that will result in a return to shore. That serious, yet also that much fun. When simple things remained simple, your tackle box was pure metal (in the traditional sense) with a metal hasp. Your stringer was made of metal. Your scale was a metal hook and spring. Hell, even your rod and line were sometimes metal. The most popular lures…

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MANITOBA Red River and area-Guide Todd Longley report The green is rolling into the Red and Winnipeg Rivers. Todd has been guiding on the Red and he says the early morning bite has been the best he has seen in years. Todd says the water quality is outstanding so the fish are biting at first light before the sun is even up. He says fish are being caught the length of the river with lots of fish in the five to seven pound class. So far he has landed three Master Anglers in his boat. He and his clients have…

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MANITOBA Manitoba Fall Fishing Report – Petro Hrynda As the leaves begin to change from their vibrant greens to their vivid fall colours, and the bitter northernly winds begin to howl The fishing across the province begins to heat up. In the upcoming weeks, the fall fishing opportunities will be bountiful. Whether it be the giant greenbacks that roam the local waters of Lake Winnipeg and its tributaries. The fired-up trout of Manitoba’s parkland waters. The line peeling bronze backs across the eastern rocky shield. To the monster lake trout that ascent from the depths of the northern waters. Now…

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MANITOBA THE FAR NORTH – ROBERT KARPIAK Although a true northern adventure might be a little late for this season. What we found last week just shy of the Nunavut boarder, is the lake trout fishing is about to get real serious at your drive-to destinations. Casting large flashy spoons into the shallow waters over boulder reefs was the ticket for our group as these fish are getting ready for the upcoming spawn. If you can swing a fall trip for next September, Caribou Country Adventures has the waters to put you on some trophy class lake trout and arctic…

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Fall Walleye Fishing-Marcel Laferriere In Manitoba, as the leaves begin to turn colour and the water cools, fishing only gets better and better. For a lot of species, there’s no better time for a fishing trip than the fall months. My friend Austin and I headed North from Winnipeg at the beginning of September eager to experience fall walleye fishing in Manitoba’s Northern Region. An easy half day drive lead us to Paint Lake where we stayed at Paint Lake Lodge with Owners Barry and Kathy Ruiter. The primary focus of our trip was to target the region’s iconic…

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MANITOBA Red River Catfishing is still on fire as we move into fall. Don’t be afraid to move around. Most times you will catch three or four fish in one spot, then the action slows. Bring a wide variety of weights and circle hooks since current will vary. There are some walleye starting to show up but some of the best action is in the lake itself. The walleye are a bit deeper at this time of the year so use your electronics to find schools of fish. It pays to Spotlock on them for short periods of time until…

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It is with immense sadness that we announce the passing of one of the Hooked team of writers. Joel Wiebe penned many stories over the years for us. All had to do with his love for fly fishing. None embodies his passion better than the one he wrote for the 2021 fall Issue of Hooked. As you will read below Joel felt a special relation with this part of the world. Joel’s funeral will be held Thursday September 15th. You can read more about Joel and his life here. DREAMING OF THE DUCKS – BY JOEL WIEBE THE ROAD…

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