Author: Don Lamont


Don Lamont - The Complete Angler Don Lamont has been a full time professional angler for 41 years, hosting and producing the award winning “The Complete Angler” television series for fifteen of those. Don has received several awards for his commitment to public education and the future of recreational fishing in Canada. Don had a regular fishing column in the Winnipeg Free Press for 30 years and is currently editor of Hooked Magazine. He also recently took on the role of Executive Director of the Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters, if he wasn't busy enough already! He recently published a book that highlights many of his adventures over a lifetime of fishing. It can be purchased online at

EDITORS NOTE: The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for anglers across the prairies and into Northwestern Ontario. Water levels have come down a bit but the fish have remained on a feeding rampage on almost every body of water. You will see that by the comprehensive reports we have from the guides and anglers that contribute to this post. Some of the most spectacular fishing action of all has been here in Manitoba for the mighty channel catfish. We have two reports to highlight just how good it has been. First we will hear from Wes…

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LATE SUMMER CAN BE PRIMETIME! With the crappie populations on the rise in the eastern part of Manitoba, more and more anglers are asking for information on how to catch them year round. On a recent trip to the Lac Du Bonnet section of the Winnipeg River I got a lesson first hand.  Eastern region fisheries biologist Eric Mullen has been studying crappie behaviour and populations for a while now. It doesn’t hurt that he has been a hardcore pan fisherman all his life. Eric has been setting trap nets on many sections of this body of water. He has…

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The Beauty and Lessons of the Backcountry “For me, getting to fish the backcountry is more than just an adventure, it is the fulfillment of childhood dreams.” The First Attempt It all started with a hot summer weekend at the cabin in the Whiteshell a few years ago. My brother and I spent a tough day of fishing at the lake with only a few walleye caught in the hot sun. I never been smallmouth bass fishing before, but I figured that there was nothing to lose trying. I decided to hit up Horseshoe Lake for my first attempt at…

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MANITOBA It has been a hectic two weeks for me fishing in the eastern region of Manitoba, starting out with a visit to the Lac du Bonnet section of the Winnipeg River. I finally got an opportunity to target black crappie on the Lee River near Lac du Bonnet. Regional fisheries biologist Eric Mullen has been doing a ton of research on populations of crappies on the Winnipeg River system and it indicates a healthy population of these great sport fish. Eric says not only are there good populations in the Lee but also Hay and Coppermine Bays as well…

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MANITOBA EASTERN MANITOBA – MATT GELLEY Rain Rain go Away!! The open water season to say the least has been changing. With cold front after cold front, the inconsistent weather patterns have shut down the normal hot summer bite. We need heat badly. Most anglers don’t realize that hot water temperatures (75F +) push baitfish in predictable areas. A lot of those classic reef structures we fish for walleyes and bass are empty. Ambient water temperatures turn the feed bag on by boosting the fishes metabolism. STABLE WEATHER NEEDED A couple weeks ago, we got on a decent walleye bite…

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Editors Note: Summer is in full swing and the fish are hungry! The last three weeks have produced some of the best angling ever in western Canada. Tons of rainfall has meant high water and flowing water. These are all good things for fish. High water years traditionally mean successful spawning for many species of fish. It also helps the food chain as flooded vegetation allow fish to access more productive places to feed. It also helps reduce the effect of global warming and algae blooms. It is a win/win fore everyone including the anglers. Get out and enjoy! MANITOBA…

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HAPPY CANADA DAY EVERYONE! I hope everyone is enjoying this Canada Day weekend with family and friends. It has been such a slow start to summer let’s hope the next two months bring us some great weather and fishing!  I would also like to thank all of the anglers who have taken time out of there day to contribute to this fishing report. It is by far the most comprehensive we have ever done. From all of the reports, the fishing has been absolutely on fire with high water in most locals putting the fish in a frenzy. It is…

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HISTORIC RIVER IS AWASH IN TRADITION In this destination travel article, my father and I travel to one of my favourite parts of Canada, the east coast. My first Salmo Salar, (Atlantic Salmon) was landed on a dry fly up in remote Labrador, weighing in at 43 lbs!  I will never forget the colour of that fish, chrome painted with an impossibly perfect patina of lilac purple, to heavenly blue. I was euphoric after landing that unicorn of a fish, falling madly in love with the “king of the sea”.  I’ve been to the east coast eleven times, each to…

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MANITOBA LAKE MANITOBA AND TRIBUTARIES The wild weather continues in Manitoba with more heavy rainfall disrupting the landscape. I had a chance last week Sunday to get out with friend Jim Price on the Whitemud River on the southwest end of Lake Manitoba. As we headed north up the Yellowhead to launch at Sportsman’s Corner, a thunderstorm rolled through the already drenched landscape. As luck would have it the storm and rain finished just as we arrived. We quickly launched the boat in the fast-moving water and Jim moved us downstream a couple of kilometres to a stretch of the…

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MANITOBA CONTENT IS KING We are always looking to add content to our bi-weekly fishing report so if you have something to share make sure you drop me a line at With the recent nice weather, conditions and patterns are changing patterns. What was the ticket last week, is not so much right now. For example a week ago the fish on Lake of the Woods were still in the 10 to 12 foot range. With sun and warming water Jeff Gustafson and his wife Shelby found the fish in two to six feet. This is not surprising given…

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